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 Spring & Summer 2025  

Stokesley Methodist Church 

First Thursday in the month at 2.00pm

6th February   -  Dobromir Tsenov, classical piano

6th March - Dominic Downs, classical piano

      April - Easter break, no concerts

1st May - Tom Chapman, classical guitar

5th June - Matthew Lau, classical piano

TICKETS: £10,  book online or pay at the door​​

Marske Centre

(Formerly Marske Leisure Centre)

Third Thursday in the month at 2.00pm

16th January   -  Jack Callaghan, violin & Elio Gaviria, piano - romantic strings

20th February - Roseberry Duo  - Sarah Paterson, harp & Jeremy Harbottle, cello

8th March (Saturday at 7.30pm) - Charlotte Potter, soprano & the Odell Singers £12/£15

20th March - J2Duo, classical guitars

        April - Easter break, no concert

15th May - Oliver Charles-Lee clarinet & Keelan Carew, piano

19th June - Kaylee Ramella, violin & Stanley Butcher, piano

Thursday Tickets: £10 from Marske Centre 

Charlotte Potter: £12 Earlybird & £15 at door

Tuned In, Redcar,  2.00pm

Usually Wednesday following a Stokesley Concert

Awaiting confirmation of Tuned In's re-opening.

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'Silent Supporters' raise over £350

Classical Cleveland's small army of 'Silent Supporters' have raised over £350 through the 'Easy-Fund-Raising scheme. Each month the donations from their online shopping generates around £15-£20 - enough to cover the daily subsistence offered to visiting musicians. 

EasyFundraising skims a small percentage off the retailers' profit margin - you pay nothing extra! Sign up today and join our Silent Supporters.

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Tuned In!
is closed for alterations

We hope to resume concerts during 2025

Online bookings

NOW OPEN for all 

Stokesley concerts

Tickets for all Stokesley concerts are available online. Clicking the button adjacent to the concert details will open a new window with the online service provided by Ticket-Source. Print out your online receipt or store it on your phone and present it at the door of the concert venue. Online bookings close four hours before the concert. Ticket source charges only 84p per £10 ticket for the service. Book at TicketSource . Or pay at the door.

Marske Concert Tickets are available from Marske Centre to personal callers or by phone with a credit card. Office hours Monday-Friday 9.00 am - 12 noon. Tel 01642 478006. Or pay at the door.

Ticket sales points for selected concerts

We are grateful  to Guisborough BookshopAlison Hargreaves, Marske's leading optician, The Yorkshire Store in Stokesley and Book Corner in Saltburn for offering their practical support as ticket sales points for selected concerts.

Tickets  for Classical Cleveland's selected concerts are available from

Guisborough Bookshop, Chaloner Street, Guisborough.

The Yorkshire Store, High Street, Stokesley.

Alison Hargeaves Optician, Redcar Road, Marske-by-the-sea

Book Corner, Milton Street, Saltburn

The tickets are available to personal callers and for cash sales only. The ticket sellers are unable to reserve seats or answer questions about the concerts.

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Shop online and support Classical Cleveland

EasyFundRaising  is a UK based service that has set up discount deals with over 8,000 online retailers and services. Sign up and nominate Classical Cleveland as your beneficiary.

Over 8,000 online shops and services are ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, all major mobile networks and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny - the donations are taken from the retailers' 'mark-up'.

Sign up to EasyFundRaising and download a small app that alerts you whenever you visit a website that supports the service. That's all you need do.

The website automatically donates a small percentage of the value of your shopping basket - at no cost to you -  and passes it to your nominated charity. Each month Classical Cleveland receives about £15-£20 from the websites where our concert patrons shop online. Sign up now and create your EasyFundRaising account.

Go-Fund-Me page launched

Classical Cleveland has launched a fund-raising page with Go-Fund-Me to support future concerts. Classical Cleveland  relies entirely on ticket sales and receives no grants or subsidies to fund the concerts. Your support will help to ensure that Classical Cleveland continues to present the cream of the current generation of classical musicians. If you wish to contribute, please visit our Go-Fund-Me page.


NOTE: Most credit cards treat a donation as a cash withdrawal; you may prefer to use a debit card. We will be most grateful for your support. - Peter Sotheran, Classical Cleveland organiser

If you prefer to make a BACS bank transfer, please email Peter Sotheran for the bank details

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The  Teesside Music Society . . .

organises a series of high calibre chamber music concerts, both instrumental and voice, by visiting professional ensembles.

Details of the current season on the society's web site.

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