St Mark's Parish Church
St. Mark's is the parish church of Marske-by-the-Sea, a small town on the Cleveland coast and on the northern fringe of the North Yorkshire Moors.
The church stands tall and square, close to the town centre and adjacent to the 17th century Marske Hall.
The bellringers are one of the more active church-based groups in the local community. The current group was founded in 1969 and has rung the bells to call people to worship almost every week, for over fifty years.
Regular ringing times:
9.00 - 9.30am - Morning service
6.00 -7.00pm - Occasional quarter peals
7.30 - 9.00pm - Regular practice night.
New ringers' practice 7.00 - 7.30pm
Closed on some Bank Holidays.

Sponsored Teddy Bear 'Death Slide'
raised over £400
​The recent 'Death Slide' for Teddy Bears and soft toys waised over £200 for the Church Tower Repair Fund. The 'Teas on the Lawn' raised a further £200 for the church's general fund.
Our thanks to everyone for their support and especially to the teams of volunteers for all their hard work.​

Fancy Ringing the Changes?
Bell Ringers' Open Nights - Mondays from 7.00pm
Interested in a new hobby?
Try your hand at 'ringing the changes' on Marske church bells. Visitors are welcome any Monday evening - demonstrations and the chance to have a few trial pulls on a bell rope.
7.00 Visit the bells & trial pulls
7.30 Regular Bell Ringers' Practice
We can show you how to do it. In return we ask that you help to ring the bells on Sunday mornings for half a hour.
Minimum age - 12 years (must be tall enough to reach the rope!), no upper limit. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult to the open night.
Try it for a few weeks - you might like it!
St Mark'sChurch, Marske-by-the-sea stands tall and proud above the rooftops of the town and is clearly visible from all approaches to the town centre.
There is unresricted parking outside Marske Hall, adjacent to the church and in the nearby side streets. More free parking is available 60 yards away behind the small shopping centre to the east of the town centre roundabout.
Access to the tower is through a door overlooking the lawns at the foot of the tower. The ringing room is on the first floor