Joining St. Mark's Bell Ringers
Learning to ring
There are special sessions for people who are new to bell ringing. The first half hour of each Monday evening session is reserved for new ringers. This enables them to master the basics and to catch up with the established ringers. Once the basics have been mastered, the new ringers can join the team that rings for Sunday morning services.
Not sure if it's for you? The first three or four beginner sessions give new ringers the opportunity to sample what is is involved. If during those first few weeks, it turns out that there is more to learning to ring than the new ringer had expected, then there is no obligation to continue.
Practice nights are held every Monday from 7.30 pm till 9.00 pm. New ringers join the regular Monday evening practice as soon as they can control the bell with confidence.
Teaching basic rope control. At first the tutor controls the rope and guides the new ringer through the mechanics
of how to pull. Gradually, control shifts over to the
learner and, when the tutor is satisfied with the
learner's confidence and competence, the
new ringer takes full control of the bell.

Membership of Marske Bellringers
Membership is free and tuition is provided free. In return, members are asked to help ring the bells each Sunday morning.
Members are encouraged to join the Yorkshire Association of Church Bellringers. For those who regularly attend Sunday Service ringing, their annual subscription is paid for them out of the tower funds.
To join St. Mark's Bellringers, simply turn up on a Monday evening. To talk about bellringing and to enquire about joining the bellringers, ring 01642 471662.
Existing ringers, on holiday or moving to the area, are always most welcome.
Who's who . . .
Sue, a retired teacher, is the Tower Captain and treasurer of the Belfry Fund. Peter, a retired printer and stationer, led the team that restored the bells in the 1970s. He inaugurated the current team in 1969 and continues to teach the art of campanology to all who wish to learn at Marske. Other members are local students and adults who enjoy ringing as part of their service to the community.