Dove's Guide to Church Bells
Ron Dove was an engineer with William Potts, clockmakers of Leeds. As he travelled the country, reporting on church clocks, he built up a list of almost every known church with bells. With the help of the bell foundries, he added details of change-ringing installations across the world.
Now maintained by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, Dove's Guide is the definitive list of all known bell installations in the world.
The Whitechapel Bell Foundry
The Whitechapel Bell Foundry closed in May 2017 after over 300 years at its East London site. The installation of bells and their associated fittings has been passed to Whites of Appleton. The rights to tower bell production have been acquired by the Westley Group Ltd. Production of presentation and handbells continues under the name Bells of Whitechapel Ltd. Follow the links for full details.

John Taylor & Co Bell Foundry
John Taylor's Bell Foundry continues a line of bellfounding which has been unbroken since the middle of the 14th Century, when Johannes de Stafford was active only 10 miles from the site of the present foundry. Don't forget to visit their Museum of Bells and Bell Founding.
The Yorkshire Association
of Change Ringers
Regional associations or guilds bring together bellringers across the country. The Yorkshire Association provides training, regular meetings, bellringing competitions and keeps ringers in touch with each other.

The Ringing World
The weekly newspaper is devoted to bells and ringing throughout the world. There are educational and advisory articles, news stories, letters and reports of ringing achievements.
Central Council of Church
Bell Ringers
The CCCBR maintains the records and standards of bell ringing across the world. The web site contains links to scores of resources, bell ringing societies, reference material and the CCCBR Library.

Change Ringing Resources
The Ringing Info website was created in 1994 by the late Roger Bailey and is now maintained by Peter Blight. It is regularly updated and offers a comprehensive list of links to information on virtually everything related to bells and bell ringing.