The Bells and Bell Ringers of
St. Mark's Church, Marske-by-the-sea
All the major events in the history of the tower, its bells and bell ringers are recorded.
The 'Great Fire' of 1902 that destroyed the top of the tower and the newly installed church clock.
The creation of a new post-war band of bell ringers in the 1960s.
The renewal of the bells and bell frame in the 1970s.
The bell ringers' involvement in helping neighbouring churches to re-establish their bell ringing teams.
How they sent a redundant bell to a mission church in New Zealand.
The activities of the Cleveland Handbell Ringers who were the principal fund-raisers when the bells were renewed.
The book is illustrated in colour and monochrome throughout. Available from the church price £3.95 or order online at Amazon.co.uk. Proceeds towards the repair of the tower's stonework.
The Ringers' Handbook
Still the best book for new bell ringers!
For over thirty years, the Marske ringers were responsible for publishing The Ringer's Handbook. Written by ES & M Powell in 1932 and extensively revised in 2017, it is still the best book for beginners. The book leads the new ringer from how to stand and hold the rope, through the basic principles of change ringing and on to conducting Grandsire, Plain Bob, Stedman and Kent.
The latest edition features:
Improved diagrams, now with 'blue' lines
Information about famous bells
Glossaries of ringing and technical terms
Updated terminology
Stronger film-laminated cover
The book assumes no previous knowledge. Technical terms are clearly explained and the text is precise and unambiguous. The 136-page book is a pocket sized paperback with a durable film laminated cover.
The book is now available exclusively from the Ringing World Office.

Pam Copson's books
The late Pam Copson wrote three excellent books for new bellringers. Her pen and ink illustrations and explanations are a perfect 'add-on' to The Ringers' Handbook. For over twenty years, Marske bellringer Peter Sotheran produced the booklets for her in his family printing business.
One Per Learner starts with where to place your hands on the rope and your feet on the floor and leads the new ringer through to the magic of Plain Bob Minor.
The Follow On Book is to be dipped into in search of answers to questions - how to splice a rope, ringing a 'Treble Bob' method and scores of other tips, advice and explanations.
The Ringer's Exercise Book is larger, A5 size, and has pages of grids ready for the new ringer to try writing out the rows of changes, all cross-referenced to the two small pocket books.
The three titles are available exclusively from the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. Please visit their web site for details and current prices.